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9am - 5pm



I think I am at risk of becoming a fair weather gardener, or maybe just a fair weather blogger. It feels like the winter weather will never end, especially after all the rain this week. But after all that, Spring is definitely here, and everything is starting to...
Isn’t the green lovely

Isn’t the green lovely

Isn’t the green lovely I’m just returning to work today after two glorious weeks holidaying in France. There is so much to be gained from these experiences, and it’s not until your return home that you can make the comparisons and really decide on what aspects...
Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST I always think that if you have worked hard in the winter and spring in your garden you should be able to just sit back and enjoy the summer months.  But of course plants don’t live by my philosophy; they will only ever...
Iris ‘Honey Glazed’

Iris ‘Honey Glazed’

Iris ‘Honey Glazed’ It is the middle of June and it would be lovely if we got some rain, but I really shouldn’t be saying that.  It’s amazing how dry everything becomes, and so quickly.  People think just because we live in Ireland that the...
June 2015  Post Bloom

June 2015  Post Bloom

June 2015  Post Bloom Having just completed a very satisfying bloom I am really enjoying being at home in my own garden. It is just amazing the amount of growth in the last three weeks.  I feel like I went to the Phoenix Park, a switch flicked, and then when I...