Iris ‘Honey Glazed’

It is the middle of June and it would be lovely if we got some rain, but I really shouldn’t be saying that. It’s amazing how dry everything becomes, and so quickly. People think just because we live in Ireland that the ground will always be wet enough for plants. It’s not, so if you have planted any new trees or hedges you must water. New trees really thrive if watered. A quick splash is not sufficient, you need to make sure the water gets right down into the rootball. New hedges are the same, they need plenty of refreshment to keep them happy.
Of course the up side to the dry weather is my Iris ‘ Honey Glaze’ is amazing, and will stay looking gorgeous with the heat. These bearded Iris really love their rhizomes to be baked in the sun, that’s why it’s best to have it sitting on the ground as opposed to burying it. I put a wire protection around the plant when its first planted so nothing disturbs the root development.